Minestrone soup recipe is one the traditional Vegetarian plate. The word Minestrone means in Italian a big Vegatable Soup and his origin is from 1871. His recipe is very old, it is origin before Roman Empire, 30 AD. There was a old cookbook were they found a old recipe like Minestrone today . It is in particular a soup with different vegetables, the most common are carrots, celery, tomato and kidney beans. The recipe usually add Rice or Pasta too.

This recipe is very common in the Italian kitchen because it is healthy. It is good resource of vitamins. You have inside different vegetable, carbohydrates and protein.

When l was child my mom was usually making Minestrone soup recipe every Monday after much food we ate in the weekend. I remember l was not so happy about this, specially my brother he always was complain about this good plate. My lovely mom, for this, was usually cooking first Minestrone and after she was using a mixer to make like a puree so we couldn’t understand the food inside.

The best results of this recipe is to use fresh ingredients, fresh vegetables and dry beans.

Here l propose the basic recipe but you can add or change the vegetables as you like or what you have fresh in the refrigerator.

This plate is good all the season, hot in the winter and cold for the summer. If you use all fresh Ingredients, you can frozen too.

Before we start the recipe here there is a link how to wash very well the vegetables, very important for this recipe.


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Minestrone soup recipe
Course Main Dish
Cuisine Italian
Prep Time 20 Minutes
Cook Time 60 Minutes
Course Main Dish
Cuisine Italian
Prep Time 20 Minutes
Cook Time 60 Minutes
  1. Cut all vegetables the same size
  2. Prepare a big pot, put inside olive oil and cutted Onion and friend for 3 minutes, add the vegetables and turn and fried for 5 minutes
  3. Add the water and cook for 15 minutes
  4. Add kidney beans
  5. Add tomato sauce, salt and cover
  6. Cook for 45 minutes and turn couple of sometimes
  7. Add oregano and leave in the pan for 30 minutes before eat
  8. Save max 2 or 3 days in the refrigerator.
Recipe Notes
